Our aggregate products lay a beautiful foundation for any landscape and will serve you for decades to come.
Whether you are filling in a driveway, adding a walkway, or creating a patio, our stone is a stunning addition to any home or business. In addition to the options below, we also carry processed gravel, stone, septic sand, presby sand, fill, tailings, and more.
Can’t find what you are looking for? Just ask! We have samples available at our office. If your trying to match existing stone, please bring us a sample. We have a drop box located outside our office door so you can leave or pick up sample after hours.
Gray Crushed Stone
Crushed stone comes in several sizes. We carry ¾ inch at our processing facility however other sizes are available for delivery. This stone is versatile and is used under sheds and decks and can also be used along foundations for drainage. We do not suggest this stone for walkways as the edges are sharp. This stone is small enough to bind together and will pack down versus a rounded stone which will compress when pressure applied.
Stone Dust
Stone dust is a by-product of crushed stone and typically used in between pavers or bricks in patios and walkways. When used alone, it forms a hard material for water to run off. We also suggest this product as a base for horse stalls.
Pea Stone
Pea Stone is another solution for paths and walkways. Commonly ⅜ of an inch, this stone is known for its attractive appearance and varies in color but is commonly gray or a light brown color.
Dense Graded Base (¾ inch)
Our dense graded base, also known as star pac or crusher run, is a combination of stone dust and ¾ inch crushed stone. This product is suitable as a base layer under a patio or a walkway, extra parking areas, driveways, under concrete slabs, and asphalt.
Natural Round Stone (¾ inch)
Natural round stone is a brown multi-color and often used as a decorative accent. Please keep in mind when ordering stone, the larger the size, the harder it is to spread. When the stone is smaller in size, it is more apt to wash away. Typically we recommend ¾ inch for landscaping purposes.
Wall Stone
We offer a classic New England fieldstone that is both functional and beautiful, whether you are creating a retaining wall, a walkway, or repairing an older wall. Available in various sizes for contractor pick up as this product needs to be handpicked.
exceptions are considered, call the office for more information.
Washed Mason Sand
Mason Sand is considered the most versatile type of sand and is suitable for nearly all projects that do not call for a specific type of sand. Used as mixing mortar for pavers and bricks, this product is also suitable under pools and play areas since it is less abrasive.
Washed Concrete Sand
Concrete Sand is a coarse sand that is washed and screened to a larger grit than mason sand. Concrete sand has a multitude of uses such as mixing concrete, mixing with loam, backfilling pipes and electrical lines, and also as a base layer and leveling medium for patios or walkways.